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With Fotobanner-PRO a special function is enabled that will allow you to run your banner at a very rapid frequency, this will lead to an exponential increase in visits to your site, the duration of this option is one month, the number of views of your banner in this period will be unlimited, you will not have the obligation to enter our HTML to accumulate credits , this option is renewable monthly of your choice, click on the link below and make the payment:


Activate Pro Photobanner for one month (€ 100.00)


We remind you that Fotobanner.it has affiliated the most important photo portals in Italy:nikonclubitalia.com , fujiclubitalia.com , domiad.it   and canonclubitalia.com , which are an integral part of the Domiad Photo Network .

The photobanner code is present at the top and clearly visible (without scrolling the page) in all 4 forums of the network, ensuring a very high visibility, in addition to the impressions that are generated by other registered sites. So the FOTOBANNER - PRO option will guarantee you hundreds of thousands of views a day, an effective and perfect way to make yourself known, to try now.



.: Partner :.


Canon Club Italia





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